1 Quart Hydrogen Peroxide
1/4 cup Baking Soda
Small amount of Liquid Soap
It works !!

STRIPED SKUNK four 4 week old baby striped  skunks looking for their mother
Baby Skunk on way to Animal Rescue  

The striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis, is the most common of four skunk species found in North America. It is characterized by a black body with a narrow white stripe on the forehead and wider stripes that extend from the neck along each side of the back. Some white may also be present on the top of the black bushy tail. The body size is comparable to a house cat, with most adult skunks measuring about 24 inches long and weighing about 4 to 8 pounds. Skunks have sharp claws on the front feet used for digging insects and worms. There footprint and moving pattern distinguishes them from other similar-sized animals.

Skunks are members of the weasel family ( At one time biologists classified skunks in the weasel family, but more recent genetic investigations have led taxonomists to group all North American skunks and Asian stink badgers into their own separate family. There are five different species of North American skunk in three genera: spotted skunks (Spilogale), hognose skunks (Conepatus), and striped and hooded skunks (Methitis). The five species are (1) Striped Skunk, (2) Eastern Spotted Skunk (Spilogale putorius), (3) Western Spotted Skunk (Spilogale gracilis), (4) Hognose Skunk (Conepatus leucontus, also called Rooter Skunk), and (5) Hooded Skunk (Mephitis macroura) ), all of which possess scent glands near the anus. However, the skunk has the most advanced scent gland development. The glands contain approximately 15 cc of a yellowish, oily liquid. This fluid is a sulfur compound, n-butyl mercaptan. A skunk can discharge a spray of this fluid as far as 15 feet and spray up to six times in succession. It takes up to 10 days to replenish the supply of liquid after full discharge.
Skunks are nocturnal animals, active and feeding during night hours. Their behavior is slow and deliberate, and they appear confident in defending themselves against other animals. Before a skunk discharges its scent glands, it will usually give a warning by stamping its feet rapidly, raising its tail straight up, clicking its teeth, and growling or hissing. A skunk generally sprays only as a last resort, preferring to retreat from danger.
Skunks eat many harmful insects and rodents but also prey on eggs and young of waterfowl and other ground- nesting birds.

Several skunks, generally one mature male and several (up to 12) females, gather at and cohabitate a winter den site from fall until spring. The same winter den is generally used year after year if not disturbed. In rural areas, den sites are frequently found under old farm buildings, sheds, porches and other structures. Skunks do not hibernate but generally remain inactive during winter, surviving on their fat stores. However, they may leave the winter den for short periods during warm weather.
Skunks mate during February and March. One male may breed several females. After mating, female skunks disperse from the winter den to a separate maternal den. Grass is usually gathered and brought into the maternal den for bedding. Generally, 4 - 7 young are born in May or June, about nine weeks after mating. The young are blind and deaf at birth with short, fine fur. Adult male skunks do not take part in rearing offspring. The young are nursed in the den for about six weeks before joining their mother on trips outside the den. By this time they are miniature replicas of adults. The young are weaned by about two months of age. The family group breaks up in the fall, and the young move to new territory. They generally travel about three to six miles in search of a new home; however, extremes of up to 30 miles have been recorded

Distribution - The skunk prefers the desert, woodlands, grassy plains and suburbs. It occurs throughout the interior and southern tier of Canadian provinces and all of United States of America.

 The Striped Skunk is one of the main carriers of rabies in the U.S.A.

Tracks - The skunk leaves a distinct pattern which is easily identified. The smaller front feet are pigeon-toed and placed just ahead of the larger rear feet while in motion. This five-toed creature has long claws which are usually evident in the print.
Straddle: 7 - 10 cm (2.8 - 4 in)
Stride: 10 - 20 cm (4 - 8 in)
Track: Front - 3.5 cm (1.4 in) long / 3 cm (1.2 in) wide
Track: Rear - 5 cm (2 in) long / 3.5 cm (1.4 wide)