TELEPHONE: 301-748-7136 or 301-898-5902

Q:     How do I contact A B C ALL WILDLIFE REMOVAL?

A:  You may contact us by calling 301-748-7136 or301-898-5902. You may also contact us by E-MAIL.

Q:     Do you accept credit cards?

             A: Yes, we now accept both Master card and Visa as a method of payment.  You can also pay by check.
                   Remember, when paying by check, returned checks for insufficient funds or any other reason  will cost you a $35.00 recovery fee.

Q:     What is Frederick County requirements for a home owner who has a cat or dog or some other pet in home?

              A: The best answer for that is to go to the MARYLAND ANIMAL LAW STATUTE Web site where this
                    and other citizen responsibilities are discussed.

Q:     I have a bat flying around in by living area. what should I do?

              A: A single bat found within the living quarters or working space (e.g. bedroom, living room, kitchen, hallway,
                   office) may be captured and released at any time of the year without prior approval from the Maryland
                   Department of Natural Resources. A B C ALL WILDLIFE REMOVAL, if contracted, will  make an effort to
                   find out how the bat got inside the living quarters or working space and whether or not a colony is present.
                   If the bat was found in the living quarters or working space during March 1-August 31, we will 
                   immediately examine the building for potential colonies and temporarily or permanently seal ways of
                   entrance into the living quarters or working space from non-living quarters. If  we find  or suspect
                   that a colony exists in any non-living quarters (e.g. the attic, roof, soffit, walls, etc.) then the we must diagnose
                   the situation further and determine the main entrance holes and potential future access holes. An exit count
                   of the colony at dusk is helpful and can be done by A B C ALL WILDLIFE REMOVAL or the owner of
                   the house. Potential access holes can be sealed leaving the main exits open until September 1.

Q:      I think that I have rats or some other type of animal in my house. How should I get rid of them? Should
           I use poison or set traps?

             A: Those are good questions, and are debated both for and against. Speaking from experience as a Wildlife
                  Removal Company
that has had the unpleasant chore of removing dead animals from walls, attics, basements,
                  and other places where the cost of the repairs caused to gain access was very high. Also there is  the
                  possibility of a small child or favorite pet ingesting this poison. Those are the main reasons that we
                  don't recommend the use of poisons of any kind. The safest method is to find a good trap at a hardware
                  store and set several of these in areas out of reach of your child or pet and check them daily and properly
                  dispose of the dead animal. Of course as a Wildlife Removal and Pest Control Service, we can investigate
                  your situation and offer you options we can utilize to eliminate your pest problems.

Q:      My Dryer doesn't seem to dry my clothes as fast as it should although the clothes get hot,  what can I do?

             A: Turn on the dryer and check at the outside vent opening. Is there a high volume of air? If not the vent hose is
                  stopped up or broken. This could be due to a lent buildup or a bird has built a nest in the vent tube. We have the
                  equipment to properly clear the passage of what ever is clogging  the vent.

Q:        Can birds cause damage to vents and are there health problems associated with birds
              roosting in my dryer or stove hood vent?

           A: A bird or birds can cause damage to vents, duct work, fans and dryers. Bird droppings promote the growth
                of histoplasmosis spores which may be contracted by humans. A bird or birds walking, scratching, chirping,
                and singing in vents is extremely annoying, especially when you are trying to sleep. Bird nests also can create
                a fire hazard.

Q:       I have a woodpecker tapping on my drainpipe at the crack of dawn every morning, what do I do?

              A: This behavior is known as drumming and is typically done at the onset of the breeding season in early spring.
                    You can try hanging Mylar reflective tape, streamers, or even a mirror up on the area where the woodpecker is
                   drumming to try and scare it off.

Q:      Will you do an inspection to determine where the animals got into my home?

           A: Yes, for a nominal charge.  Our inspection is done from the ground, on the roof and in the attic. This ensures the most thorough inspection
                 possible to determine entry points, damage, and potential problem areas.

Q:       Can you check my attic?

          A: Yes, if it is related to the scope of work in progress. We may be able to identify visible wiring damage among other things. However if you already suspect wiring
               damage it's always a good idea to call a certified electrician.

Q:        Will you repair the areas that are damaged?

          A: Yes, If the integrity of the area isn't too poor and the damage isn't too extensive. If we can't do it we will recommend
               a qualified contractor who can. The most important fact is that this is the only way to prevent the problem from
               happening again.

Q:       Can you recognize and repair other potential problem areas?

           A: Yes. If we see something that we think could be a problem in the future, we will bring it to your attention and let you
                 decide if you would like us to repair it. Remember our warranty only covers areas that we repair.

Q:      What does your repair guarantee include?

            A: Our repair guarantee simply stated is:  If an animal gets back in through our repairs, we will remove the
                 animal(s) and repair the original damage for

Q:      What materials do you use to repair or prevent damage?

           A: Typically we use matching color sheet metal to repair holes or flash the corners. We do not recommend wood unless
                it replaces an area we have to remove to facilitate other repairs this is because wood can be chewed through again.
               We specially design custom covers to screen attic vents. We use a heavy screening to screen any odd shaped vents.
               We custom design vent screens specifically for your dryer and kitchen vents. We also carry a variety of chimney
               caps or we can order custom sizes.

Q:       How do I get rid of animals making a nuisance on my property?

A. If you are experiencing problems with skunks, raccoons, possums, squirrels, or other small wildlife there
are steps you can take to discourage them. Make sure you are not leaving pet food or water outside, or food
scraps in your compost, and make sure the lids on your garbage cans are secure at all times. Trim tree
branches to eliminate easy access to roofs and chimneys. If, after taking precautions and you still have a
problem, you may need to trap the animal and remove it. The Department of Natural resources (DNR) also
works with a select group of individuals who are authorized to trap certain nuisance animals for a fee.